Rehoboth Beach Average Temperatures

Air temperatures in Rehoboth Beach average in the low 80’s in the summer, ocean temperatures average in the low 70’s. Use this easy-to-use chart to view average water temps for your next visit to Rehoboth Beach. Use this easy-to-use chart to find average temps for your next visit.

Rehoboth Beach Weather | Average Monthly Temperatures | Average Ocean Temperatures | Tides Chart | Sunrise & Sunset Times


The air temperatures in Rehoboth Beach average in the low 80’s in the summer. Use this easy-to-use chart to find average temps for your next visit to Rehoboth Beach.
Spring: 50°- 70° | Summer: 70°- 80° | Fall: 60°- 70° | Winter: 40°- 50°

Month Avg Temp Month Avg Temp
Winter Icon Early December

Early January

Early February

Low 50°s

Mid 40°s

Mid 40°s

Late December

Late January

Late February

High 40°s

Mid 40°s

Low 50°s

Spring Icon Early March

Early April

Early May

Low 50°s

Low 60°s

Low 70°s

Late March

Late April

Late May

High 50°s

Low 70°s

High 70°s

Summer Icon Early June

Early July

Early August

High 70°s

High 80°s

Mid 80°s

Late June

Late July

Late August

Mid 80°s

High 80°s

Low 80°s

Fall Icon Early September

Early October

Early November

Low 80°s

Low 70°s

Low 60°s

Late September

Late October

Late November

Mid 70°s

Mid 60°s

Mid 50°s

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Rehoboth Beach Average Monthly Ocean Temperatures

The ocean temperatures in Delaware average in the low 70’s in the summer. Use this easy-to-use chart to view average water temps for your next visit to Rehoboth Beach.
Spring: 40°- 50° | Summer: 60°- 70° | Fall: 50°- 60° | Winter: 30°- 40°

Month Avg Temp Month Avg Temp
Winter Icon Early December

Early January

Early February

Mid 40°s

High 30°s

High 30°s

Late December

Late January

Late February

Low 40°s

High 30°s

High 30°s

Spring Icon Early March

Early April

Early May

High 30°s

High 40°s

Low 50°s

Late March

Late April

Late May

Low 40°s

Low 50°s

High 50°s

Summer Icon Early June

Early July

Early August

Low 60°s

Mid 60°s

Low 70°’s

Late June

Late July

Late August

Mid 60°s

High 60°s

Low 70°s

Fall Icon Early September

Early October

Early November

High 60°s

Mid 60°s

High 50°s

Late September

Late October

Late November

Mid 60°s

Low 60°s

Low 50°s

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